Principal Message

Principal Message

Dear All!

We all are born the same but we all are different when we die and this difference begins with school education. Education at school is not simply a phase or period but it’s the process of a body turning into a human being and what kind of human being we turn into solely depends on our education.

Some more days roll by and I am all set to gear up to the seventh year as The Principal of this premier institution. Throughout this period, my approach has always been to ensure the implementation of holistic learning. From proper emotional development to healthy social skills, from formation of a good character to impeccable critical thinking, everything is nurtured among angelites to turn them up into ideal human beings.

It’s the time to go hand in hand with pupils, to make them realise their individual spirit and let them flourish in it. I feel that whatever children learn, they must learn that by experiential learning, as naturally as leaves come to a tree.

Our practice to develop among our children a sense of resilience and pragmatism makes us unique. Since beginning, we promote children to take up challenges and hardships to stay prepared for what the future unfolds. Similarly, we nourish such pragmatic values amongst our students where rather than being prejudicial they become quite progressive, practical and sensible by nature.

Believe me, every individual who joins us grows extremely rich in terms of knowledge, wisdom and virtues.

Dinesh Mehta